티스토리 뷰
How to Create a Simple Video Using Free PowerPoint
"PowerPoint is a paid software, so I use the free Open Office."
Open Office + ffmpeg
Even if you want to upload videos on YouTube,
you need video editing software,
and all the decent ones are paid.
So, for free and easily,
1) I will explain how to create
images with PowerPoint, and
2) how to convert the images into
“There are many websites for creating online videos~”
(Sure, then you don't need to see it.)
- Please use free fonts.
For example, Naver Nanum Font,
Google Font, ...
- If you use any random images,
it may cause trouble later on.
- Maximum video size is 1920x1440.
- No page transition effects.
- Detailed time manipulation is not available.
- Fixed duration of x seconds per page.
- Free, free, free
- Requires manual installation
- Difficult to perform precise
Similar to MS Office, OpenOffice is free to use. However, while MS Office is user-friendly, there might be some limitations with OpenOffice.
You can open MS Office files in OpenOffice, and vice versa. However, 100% compatibility is not guaranteed as there might be slight differences in formatting.
I will create multiple pages for the content to be made into a video.
Approximately 5 to 8 seconds per page is suitable. If there is a lot of content or text, consider splitting it into two pages or duplicating the page to create two identical pages.
File → Export → Save in HTML format.
build.bat (save it as “ANSI”)
set PATH=%PATH%;E:\ffmpeg\bin
del *.html
del thumb*.png
del *.mp4
ffmpeg -f image2 -r 1 -i img%%d.png -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p xoutput.mp4
ffmpeg -i xoutput.mp4 -vf "setpts=5.5*PTS" xxoutput.mp4
ffmpeg -i xxoutput.mp4 -stream_loop -1 -i 1.mp3 -shortest output.mp4
del x*.mp4
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